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Green Mountain at Fox Run will not be open in 2023

Green Mountain at Fox Run will not be open in 2023 For over 45 years, Green Mountain was dedicated to helping women achieve a healthy, sustainable lifestyle through mindful eating, fitness, and stress management. Unfortunately Green Mountain at Fox Run is permanently closed. The good news is that there are several viable options for guests…


New Life Hiking Spa will not be open in 2023

New Life Hiking Spa will not be open in 2023 New Life Hiking Spa was a wellness retreat located in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Founded in 1978 by Jimmy LeSage, New Life Hiking Spa was dedicated to helping guests achieve their health and wellness goals through hiking, fitness, and healthy eating. Unfortunately New Life…

spring salmon salad

Recipe: Spring Salmon Salad

Ingredients: 4 cups spring salad mix with herbs 1 cup fresh snap peas in the pods sliced length wise 2 4oz filets of salmon spray olive oil for cooking (or 1 teaspoon of olive oil) Salt and pepper to taste 1-2 Tablespoons dressing (below) Directions: Separate salad mix on 2 plates. Top greens with snap…

heavy and thin versions of a woman

Why Yo-Yo Dieting Is Wrecking Our Bodies

Based on my professional experience, individuals I’ve met with a history of yo-yoing are emotionally exhausted and often distraught.

fitness mistakes causing ankle injury

Five Mistakes to Avoid When First Trying to Get Fit

Mistake 1: No days to every day If you’re right at the beginning of your fitness journey, it’s unrealistic to think you’ll be able to immediately transition from not exercising at all to exercising every day. It’s also unlikely you’ll be able to exercise every day without burning out or getting injured. The truth is,…

natural pain relief foods

Natural Pain Relief

Eight Foods for Health and Wellness Our paradigm is shifting. As we seek to understand the complex web of relationships uniting lifestyle and disease—both physical and emotional—we see the role medicine plays in our lives move from prescriptive to preventive. Scientists and doctors now accept a view long held by alternative healers, slow-food advocates, and…

natural Pain relief infographic

Natural Pain Relief: An Infographic

This infographic will help you pick the right foods and spices to naturally reduce inflammation and pain. Read the full article on how to get natural pain relief with different types of anti-inflammatory foods and spices.

overweight woman running for fitness to manage diabetes

Prevent or Manage Type 2 Diabetes with Movement

Yesterday you met with your doctor to discuss your recent blood work. He informs you that everything checks out okay despite having some weight to lose, but he softly reveals that your blood glucose levels are in the pre-diabetic range. It just got real. Worry begins to sink in and you think how could this…

cherry tomato salad

Healthy & Cool Summer Salad

This salad has been coined the ‘Deck Salad’ because ideally you can pick every item from your patio or deck.  Here’s what you need: A heaping handful of cherry tomatoes, a small cucumber, 3-4 radishes, ½ small purple onion, and 3-4 fresh basil leaves.  Cut all of the cherry tomatoes in half and place in…

meditating at sunset

5 Mindful Questions to Ask Before We Eat

Is your mind too full eat healthy?  Sometimes we need to slow down, stop, and ask ourself some questions about what we are getting ready to eat. Many of us can recall a time when we were standing over the sink shoveling food into our mouths without even realizing it. Or driving somewhere, one hand…